Good morning, Canada!

It’s here, it’s here, the Month of Miracles is here!

M4M Champion Brokerages

If you head over to the Blog or are subscribing to updates, you will be seeing posts about some special individuals who have signed on a Motorcycle for Miracles Champion Agents. There are 31 of them, just like there are 31 days in August, the Month of Miracles. Each have donated generously to support a section of the journey and as you’ll see by their profile pages, each is a remarkable example of ‘walking the talk’ when it comes to giving back to the community and making a difference in the lives of sick and injured children.

This morning we will launch from St. John’s, Newfoundland at Janeway Children’s Hospital, our first of 14 Children’s Miracle Network Hospital stops in our 9,400 km ride across Canada. Our first section sponsor, Jim Burton, has invited Bruce and Holly to stop in to his radio show for a brief interview about their mission.

Please join the journey by following Bruce and Holly’s posts on facebook at the NEW community page: as well as on Instagram at @MotorcycleforMiracles.

If you would like to learn more about our fundraising goal and how to donate, please visit this page.

Thank you for your support and for everything we can do for kids, together!

All our very best,

The Johnsons